If you have an @uab.edu address, you have a Phonebook alias. If you have a Phonebook alias, you already have a BlazerID.
- There is no difference; it is the same thing.
- The term "BlazerID" simply reflects its current purpose more accurately.
If you are unsure about whether you already have a BlazerID/alias, you can click on the Do I Have a BlazerID?
- For more information contact:
BlazerID Central
AskIT (pronounced ask'-eye-tee) is the primary help desk providing support for all UAB Information Technology Services, including BlazerID Central and the UAB Campus Directory.
- Phone: 205-996-5555
- On the Web: ask.it.uab.edu
The AskIT Web site also provides information about office hours, locations for in-person assistance, and links to FAQs and other online support resources.