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HR Knowledge Base
HR Quick Guides
Campus Time & Attendance (CTA)
Benefits 1095 Forms FAQs
General Announcements
Deadline to file annual ethics report is April 30
eLAS to be replaced by Campus Time & Attendance
Updates announced for Educational Assistance, Holidays and Severance Pay policies
Important changes to employee classification reversal following FLSA decision
Open Enrollment dates, information sessions announced for 2025
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HR Knowledge Base
Benefits - General
What is form 1095-C and how can I access it?
What benefits am I enrolled in?
When will my benefit insurance cards arrive?
How will my benefits change if I transfer to a new position?
What benefits am I eligible for?
View all (28)
How can I receive Billing and Financial Assistance Information?
Blazer ID & One Card
What if I forget the password for my BlazerID?
What is a Blazer ID?
When can I get my employee badge updated after I have transferred?
Why do I need a BlazerID?
What services require a BlazerID?
View all (8)
Childcare / Daycare
What ages are accepted in the Childcare Center ?
I have questions about UAB's Child Development Center. Can you direct me?
Contact Information
Contact Information: Child Development Center (CDC)
Contact Information: Compensation
Contact Information: Employee Assistance & Counseling Center (EACC)
Contact Information: Employee Benefits
Contact Information: Employee Health
View all (15)
Education Assistance and Loan Forgiveness
Am I eligible for educational assistance?
What are the requirements for employees participate in the education assistance employee assistance back?
How can I certify my dependents for educational assistance benefits?
What is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF)?
Do UAB employee qualify for the Grade Forgiveness Program?
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Emergency Policies & Procedures / Closures & Delays
Bad Weather - Can't make it to work, what are the next steps?
What workforce group am I in?
Bad Weather - Weather Groups (Multiple Assignments)
How do I register for the B-Alert system?
Workgroups vs. Weather Groups
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Employee Assistance & Counseling Services
Are employees required to use vacation or leave when meeting with an EAP practioner?
How long do counseling sessions last at the Employee Assistance & Counseling Center?
What is the UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center (EACC)?
Who is eligible for services from the Employee Assistance & Counseling Center?
What should I expect during an in-office counseling visit at the Employee Assistance and Counseling Center?
Employee Health
When can I get a TB skin test?
What should I do if I've been exposed to TB?
Are flu shots covered by UAB's health plans?
What if I am Only "Required" to complete a TB Skin Test Questionnaire?
Can I get a vaccination for Hepatitis B?
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Employee Perks and Discounts
What perks and/or discounts are available for UAB employees?
Employee Records
Creating Emergency Contacts in Oracle Self-Service
How do I find out if my position is eligible to participate in remote or hybrid work?
How to Cancel an In Progress Telecommuting Agreement
How to Request: Medical Credentialing Verification
How to Update Personal Information using Oracle Self Service
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Talent Performance and Relations
Accommodation: How to request?
How to Complete the Disability Self ID Form
How to Complete the Veterans Self ID Guide
How to report a grievance or complaint
I'm leaving UAB, what should I do?
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Employment & Departmental Transfer Process
How can I connect with a hiring manager concerning my application?
What is the Employee Transfer Process?
Do I have to tell my manager I'm interested in transferring to another position?
How to check the status of my application(s)?
How do I apply for a job at UAB?
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Leaves of Absence, incl. Family Medical Leave (FMLA)
Who do I call if I have questions regarding my leave of absence?
Are Irregular/Temporary employees eligible for FMLA?
Are Faculty/Staff required to use sick, vacation, personal holidays during their FMLA leave?
What is the maximum leave time allowed under an FMLA leave?
Who are the family members covered under FMLA?
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I-9 Process and Procedure
HR I-9 Process: How long do I have to complete the I-9 Process?
Is a photo ID required to complete the I-9 Process?
What documents can I bring to my I-9 appointment?
What is E-Verify?
Which document(s) can be presented during an I-9 appointment?
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When will my insurance cards arrive?
Vacation, & Sick Time
How do I track my paid time off?
How is paid time off handled?
How much vacation time do I receive?
What is PTO?
What is UAB's Sick Time Policy?
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Military Leave of Absence
Can I take leave if I am a Military Caregiver?
Can I take leave to support my family member in the Armed Forces?
How much FMLA leave may I take for qualifying exigencies?
I have questions about Military Leave or caregiving for a Military Family Member
Military Leave of Absence Policy
View all (9)
New Hire & Onboarding
What is onboarding?
When is my start date/ first day?
Who is required to attend orientation?
On the Job Injuries & Accidents
Accidental exposed to blood or body fluids?
On the Job Injury (OJI): Where and how to report an accident.
Paid Parental Leave
Are there any restrictions on when an employee can take leave for the birth or adoption of a child?
Can I take a leave to care for a child over 18 years of age?
Does Paid Parental Leave (PPL) extend FMLA?
How do I apply for Paid Parental Leave?
How does paid parental leave apply to fathers or the other parent?
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How can I view my W-2 Statement?
How do I access my W-2 if my address is wrong in Oracle?
When will I receive my W-2 form?
Need help with Campus Kronos?
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Performance Management / Employee Evaluations
Annual Evaluation Essentials
UAB Perform: Frequently Asked Questions
UAB Perform: Supervisor Tools
What is PEEHIP?
Sick Time Donation
How can I donate or request sick time donations?
What are the benefits of donating sick time?
What are the requirements for donating sick time?
What is the Sick Time Donation Program?
What kind of Personal Time Off can I donate?
Job Descriptions, Pay Structures and Pay Ranges
How can I find the pay range for a job?
What are assignment categories?
What are Pay Structures and Pay Ranges?
Where can I find my Job Desciption?
Teachers' Retirement and Voluntary Retirement Plans
Am I automatically enrolled in the 403(b) plan upon employment?
Am I automatically enrolled in the 457(b) plan upon employment?
Am I automatically enrolled in the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) upon employment?
At what age can I retire from Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)?
Can I borrow from my Teachers' Retirement Account?
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Transportation and Parking
How can I register for "Blaze Ride?"
If I have limited mobility or a disability, what kind of transportation services are available to assist me?
What is Blaze Ride?
What should I do to suspend employee parking during my leave of absence?
Where can I park? I am an employee.
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Training & Development
Campus Learning System: Certification & Retraining
I can sign into the Campus Learning System, but where do I start?
Learning Locker: Running Organization Reports
What's the difference between LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning?
Who has access to the Campus Learning System?
Healthy Living Resources
How do I contact UAB Employee Wellness?
What is Employee Wellness?
What is the My Health Rewards Program?
HR Quick Guides
HR Quick Guides
HR QUICK GUIDE: Employee Health Department
HR QUICK GUIDE: Leaves of Absence
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Campus Time & Attendance (CTA)
Campus Time & Attendance (CTA) Overview
Campus Time & Attendance Access Types
Campus Time & Attendance: On-Demand Learning
Campus Time & Attendance: Step-by-Step Instructions
Can I Delete Time Off Request Notifications?
How do I approve my balances at termination?
How Do I Cancel a Time Off Request on Behalf of an Employee?
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FAQs - Employees
Can I edit my time off request after I have submitted it?
How do I access Campus Time & Attendance for monthly employees?
How do I approve my balances at termination?
How Do I Cancel a Time Off Request?
How Do I View My Accrual Rates in Campus Time & Attendance?
View all (13)
FAQs - Managers
How do I access Campus Time & Attendance (CTA) for monthly employees?
CTA Homepage Basics
Reviewing Employee Requests
Submitting on Behalf
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Acknowledged Issues
Acknowledged Issues | Pending Resolution
Cancel Submitted Issue
Benefits 1095 Forms FAQs
Benefits 1095 Form FAQs
1. What is a 1095-C form?
2. Why did I receive a 1095-C form?
3. When will I receive the 1095-C form?
4. Is the 1095-C form required to file my taxes?
5. My spouse and/or dependent(s) file their own taxes but are covered under my health insurance. Will they receive a copy of the 1095-C form?
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