These instructions only apply to the Alternate Work Options pilot program.
There are three contacts on a telecommuting agreement:
- The employee primarily completing the agreement
- The supervisor reviewing and approving (or rejecting) the agreement
- The HR Organization Administrator copied on the agreement
These steps may be completed by the employee or supervisor who is currently assigned the agreement.
1. Locate the email sent by Adobe Sign which contains a link to the agreement. Click
- Note: This must be completed by the original recipient of the email. Forwarding the email to another contact will lock the agreement.
2. Read the document to confirm that it is the correct document to be cancelled.
3. In the upper-left, click the Options dropdown and choose Decline to sign.
4. Enter a reason for declining or cancelling the document, then click Decline.
A confirmation message will be displayed and the agreement will be cancelled. All contacts of the agreement will be notified that the agreement was cancelled. To send another agreement, contact your HR Organization Administrator.