Employee must:
Meet UAB admission requirements, which can be found at Student Admissions
- Online certification form requires:
- The Education Assistance form is found under the UAB Self Service Application in Oracle HR & Finance
- Validate the date of birth entered to ensure it matches the one on file in the student system.
- Certified employees will be verified electronically by the Human Resources and Student Affairs departments.
Employees with eligible dependent must:
Meet UAB admissions requirements, which can be found at Student Admissions
- Online certification form requires:
- Employees must certify their eligible dependent(s) prior to the Drop/Add date on the academic calendar.
- Employees must enter the student’s Blazer ID on the Oracle Self-Service form in order to certify an eligible dependent.
- The certification form also will validate the date of birth entered to ensure it matches the one on file in the student system.
See the UAB Educational Assistance Policy here.
For additional information regarding the Educational Assistance Program, contact the Benefits Office.