When UAB closes for bad weather, decisions must be made and communicated for many entities/functions that react differently to a closing. Assigning students, faculty and staff to dedicated groups (GREEN, YELLOW and RED) helps with clarity around this process. To find your weather group click here. Are you registered for our B-Alert system for emergency notification?
If there is bad weather, GREEN entities/functions always close when operations are canceled for weather. Employees with duties considered non-essential during a weather closing are also part of this group and will not report to work.
If there is bad weather, YELLOW entities/functions may or may not close depending on the nature of the weather event and decisions by management/supervisors. This group includes entities like the Hill Student Center and UAB clinics, which may stay open or close when academic functions at the university are canceled.
If there is bad weather, RED entities/functions never close and must continue to operate regardless of the weather. UAB Hospital and the UAB Police Department are examples of red groups.
HR Weather Related Policies
Inclement/Bad Weather Policy (HR Policy 616)
Severe Weather Plan for Hospital (HR Policy 206)